
Thinking out Loud--Day 1

 November 12, 2020 Well!  Today is a big day! Today I am going to start this blog so that I can keep track of what I want to discuss with Kelli.  I am excited to start this new "agreement".  I need someone to talk to.  I know that I do too much talking to too many people--and, as Kelli has pointed out to me... "I am someone who thrives by processing out loud. There are many reasons people come to coaching— top of list is to have a thinking partner to mirror back what is being shared and to assist into action with accountability. Coaching focuses on recognizing beliefs that can get in our way and choosing how we can show up more authentically." When I read this it was an AWESOME "Aha!" moment! Yes! this is why I like (need) a "life coach"! As a sounding board. As a way to process my thoughts--OUT LOUD!   I often feel like my mind is whirling--like I don't even know what I am thinking. I have tried blogging (journaling) before--but withou